Intellectual History: American Prometheus, Part 4
After Watching Christopher Nolan's latest hit, "Oppenheimer," I started studying their source biography, American Prometheus, Bird and Sherwin. The 850 plus biography, of course, documented the rise and fall of Oppenheimer as "father of the Atomic bomb." His fascinating life from New York City to Harvard, to Cambridge, to Cal Tech and Berkeley, to Los Alamos, to Princeton, was full of crackerjack intelligence, deep relationships, constant pressure and ultimately disgrace and elevation. Oppenheimer was the most famous character in the development, execution, and vilification of the greatest destructive weapon and the cold war. It has taken me 3 weeks to study the novel and the PBS movie, "The Trials of J. Robert Oppenheimer," which documents the conspiracy to disgrace the famous scientist.
Part 4: His complicated relationships, his guilt about the bomb, the battle against the H-bomb, his fight with the FBI, Teller, with Truman, Strauss, the witch-hunt: 22 pages, 9642 words, visuals
Mr. Brovsky's Vault
To thine own self. be true.
Mr. Brovsky's Vault is filled with Secondary (10-12) Lesson plans for year-long and semester classes in the Humanities.