Classics: Epic Poetry during Homeric Greek and Augustus Rome: "The Odyssey," Homer

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Possibly the greatest Epic Poem of all time.  Fagles provides an excellent translation adaptable to the HS Classroom.  Written by Homer, and a sequel to The Iliad, the story traces Odysseus, after the Trojan War, and his efforts to "Get Back Home."

Many other stories similar to this makes The Odyssey a blueprint archetype for Adventure stories.  In fact the first six books of The Aeneid, by Virgil mirror Odysseus' journey closely.  

Both The Odyssey and The Aeneid originate with the Trojan War but The Odyssey is a story about what happens after the war to the Victors upon their return home; the Aeneid is about what happens if you're a loser.  Great heroes, great stories.  Definitely a part of the study of Western Civilization.  

The Lotus Eaters, Circe, Polyphemus Cyclops, the Laestragonians, the Underworld, the battle in Ithaca Hall, and the Return become pat stories for authors for centuries to draw their stories from.  All this story was originally spoken, not read, by the traveling performers who would dazzle the ancient courts with Odysseus's like exploits. Hangs with the Bible as Western Civ influences.

70 pages: 13,605 words; images

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